Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Barrel Break!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Clear Blasters have been released
Ok all well so far I have seen the Recon, Nitefinder, Deploy, and Maverick on sale at local stores. Still waiting on any news on the Stampede or Barricade and if they have been sold at stores so far. If I come across any news you guys will be the first to know.
Also here is a pic of my new Nerf Setup and how I play at Zombies of Zomb
Friday, July 16, 2010
Nerf Stampede ECS details released!!! 9-9-10
Ok well here are some news about the Nerf blaster set to be released on 9-9-10. All details straight from their Facebook page.
-The first fully automatic Clip System blaster, pop-out bipod, removable shield, comes equipped with three 18 dart clips and one 6 dart clip for a total of 60 darts - the highest clip capacity yet.
There you have it! :D Now here’s a pic.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Nerf Barricade = Semi-Auto Maverick!!!!
Not sure if you guys remember the Nerf Barricade RV-10 but some new pictures and details according to state that this pistol will be a semi-automatic pistol!! Which in turn means no having to cock the blaster! I’m so pumped for this now :D. The only thing I don’t like is that it still is a revolving drum instead of clip like i’d prefer :/. But anywho, any new news I find I’ll put up. Here’s a pic to tease you with.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Nerf- Tactical Vest
Hey there. Not much on the Nerf side of news except the Tactical Vest has a few pics released of it with clear clips so here ya go.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Another new nerf gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010
Nerf Spectre Rev-5
Thanks to SGNerf for these pics of the Spectre Rev-5 and his source as well. I am not so sure how I like this blaster as it is a Maverick that has one less shot and a barrel extension.
I probably will buy this blaster as I am fond of the maverick and a folding stock on the raider, if it is good and solid enough, will work great. Hope ya’ll like this one. C ya.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Possible New Nerf Gun!!!!!?!#JF(#*^
Ok well for one I’m sorry about the lack of updates on here as there have been a few situations out of my control that prohibited me from updating on here.
ie: No new nerf news.
Anyways onto the good stuff. Not sure if I’ll get in trouble for this but this was posted on Nerfs Official Facebook page and swiftly (and I do mean that) taken down. It looks like another really reshelled Recon but I like it…alot. so here ya go.
Now the first thing i notice is it’s shotgun style grip. which makes me happy :D. The next thing i notice is the 18 round clip. smaller than the 35 round clip that is sold with the raider so fitting it into the bandolier might be easier. Anyways take care and C ya.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
NF’s on sale for 5 Bux
Ok well I just wanted to give you all an update on something since no new news is going on right now. Nitefinders are on sale at Walmart and from what I hear certain Targets for 5 Dollars. It’s a good price for a good blaster. Any other news shall be posted when I get ahold of it.
Take care