This site is dedicated to researching and looking up all the nerf products that are coming out. Soon we will have a Modding site that we hope will help you find all the mods you are looking for.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Nerf Stampede ECS details released!!! 9-9-10

Ok well here are some news about the Nerf blaster set to be released on 9-9-10. All details straight from their Facebook page.

-The first fully automatic Clip System blaster, pop-out bipod, removable shield, comes equipped with three 18 dart clips and one 6 dart clip for a total of 60 darts - the highest clip capacity yet.

There you have it! :D Now here’s a pic.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nerf Barricade = Semi-Auto Maverick!!!!

Not sure if you guys remember the Nerf Barricade RV-10 but some new pictures and details according to state that this pistol will be a semi-automatic pistol!! Which in turn means no having to cock the blaster! I’m so pumped for this now :D. The only thing I don’t like is that it still is a revolving drum instead of clip like i’d prefer :/. But anywho, any new news I find I’ll put up. Here’s a pic to tease you with.

nerf barricade