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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Nerf Deploy Review

Sorry it’s taken me so long to get this review up but I had a few problems with this blaster that I had to solve before getting this update up.

Ok well overall this is a decent blaster that is def made for the age group displayed on the box. I felt really bunched up as I’m 6’2 but the shotgun grip felt great to have. The deploy function still makes me smile every time I do “Deploy” it. Also in the very front of the shotgun grip is a place for an extra dart.Deploy

Range is ok at around 25 feet. It doesn’t say anywhere on the box the range of it so I did about 20 shots and the average shooting horizontal was 25. I did have a problem with my plunger not compressing fast when I first purchased it so I had to crack her open ,which I’ll get to later on how to do, and lubricate the plunger. Which fixed the issue.

I don’t really recommend using the drum clip on it and “Deploying” it since it puts a lot of stress on the magazine loading area. So use just the standard clip with it.Deploy (2)

The built in light is ok and does give a good amount of light if your doing a night battle but range is close on it at best.Deploy (3)

The Deploy does come with a carrying strap but its a bit awkward to use. It also clips on the butt of the blaster in the same spot unless there is something I’m missing.Deploy (1)

The following pictures are from Nerfhaven posted by NerfRogue83. I won’t post the mod up that he did only how to open your blaster if you have the same problem I did.

SNC00867-1 SNC00869-1 SNC00872-1

Ok well I’m hoping that this is a good review on it so please give me some comments on what I can improve and if you have any questions let me know.
